The Earth has been moving beneath our feet lately. In fact, 2024 is the most seismically active year in California since 1988. So far this year, the state has seen 14 earthquakes that measure over a 4.0 on the Richter scale.
The Great Shake Out on October 17 is a day when millions of people worldwide participate in earthquake drills at work, school, or home.
At 10:17 a.m. that day, millions of people across the world practiced earthquake safety. That includes drop, cover and hold on.
Everyone – but especially teachers and caregivers – are encouraged to update emergency plans and supplies, and to secure your space in order to prevent damage and injuries.
Look around you now, before an earthquake takes place.
Identify safe places such as under sturdy furniture or against a wall in your home, office or school.
An immediate response to move to the safe place can save lives.
How to participate, plan your Great Shakeout drill:
- Register at to be counted and get updates
- Learn earthquake safety at
- Get a drill narration from
- Inform staff and parents about your drill and invite participation
- Include other aspects of your emergency plans in your drill
- Hold your earthquake drill and discuss what you learned
Get prepared for earthquakes:
- Secure items that might fall or be thrown during earthquakes.
- Create or update your facility’s disaster plan.
- Organize or restock emergency supply kits.
- Encourage staff and children to prepare at home.
Visit to learn more about preparedness.