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Everything you need to know about VerticalChange — CCRC’s new research tool

VerticalChange, owned by Subvertical, LLC, is a cloud-based software for managing social services programs. CCRC uses it to extract, collect and analyze large volumes of data for research and program evaluation purposes.

Unlike other off-the-shelf software available to diverse audiences, VerticalChange is customizable based on the industry. CCRC works with software developersat Subvertical, LLC, who build new and modify existing modules, to ensure it serves the unique needs of different programs.

How is CCRC using VerticalChange?

Currently, CCRC uses VerticalChange for the Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership, the Emergency Response Child Care Pilot Project and the Quality Start – San Bernardino project with First 5 San Bernardino. 

How are child care providers using VerticalChange?

Users interact with the software based on their role.  Prospective child care providers can use the system to complete the EHS-CCP application and upload documents.  Current EHS-CCP child care providers can review their professional development records and update their personal and child care site’s information.

Are any other agencies currently using VerticalChange?

Yes.  Mental health agencies, early care and education agencies, government agencies, universities and First 5 agencies are also using this software.

Is security something to be worried about with this cloud-based software?

We have everything in place as far as meeting regulatory requirements and identifying potential security threats. VerticalChange is developed with Amazon Web Services toolsthatmeet several security and regulatory standards such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act),FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act).

What’s next for VerticalChange at CCRC?

“What’s great about this software is that it continues to evolve as CCRC’s needs evolve — VerticalChange isn’t just an out-of-the-box solution. It’s highly customizable, so CCRC’s researchers will continue to work with software developersat Subvertical, LLC to make it what we want.” said Josh Matacotta Psy.D., CCRC’s Research Manager.  CCRC is also looking at creating a parent portal in the future. 

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