Child Care Resource Center develops meaningful relationships with lawmakers, who play a critical role in influencing legislation that impacts children, families and child care providers. CCRC works diligently to bring awareness to local, state and federal lawmakers the challenges faced by those we serve and ways to improve the lives of children and families.
CCRC VP & Chief Strategy Officer, Donna Sneeringer, joins the Inspired Stories podcast for a conversation on “Solving the Child Care Crisis”. Learn key insights on how we can make quality child care accessible for families through creating sustainable child care business models, building public-private partnerships, expanding funding streams for providers, and more!
Our Work
Click here to view our board-approved policy priorities for 2024, which are set each fall. Our Government Relations department works with the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Coalition and other advocacy organizations and service providers to identify the need, areas of improvement, and funding challenges for child care and early education across the state.
Click here to view our 2023 Legislative Dashboard.
Click here to view our Legislative Website, which includes information about the money we invest in our service area, funding for child care, the number of children we serve versus how many children are on our waitlist, and data that illustrates how child care benefits the economy and children’s development.
Click here to view our Child Care & Early Childhood Education Timeline.
Click here to view how the Administration for Children and Families and the State of California administers money to programs and their basic eligibility/qualifications.
A Window of Opportunity: Child care service agencies already play an important role in the subsidized child care system click here to learn How Subsidized Child Care can Support Early Identification and Intervention.
Your Involvement
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Federal Resources
State Resources
Local Resources
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Donna Sneeringer, Chief Strategy Officer at [email protected], James Moses, Regional Director at [email protected], or Patrick MacFarlane, Government Relations at [email protected].
Government Relations Team

Donna Sneeringer, MPA
Vice President &
Chief Strategy Officer

Fatima Martinez Jara
Administrative Assistant

James Moses
Regional Director of San Bernardino

Jennifer Portillo
Senior Government Relations Specialist

Juliet Terry
Senior Government Relations Specialist

LaWanda Wesley, Ed.D.
Director of Government Relations

Maria Jose Romo
Senior Government Relations Specialist

Patrick MacFarlane
Manager of Government Relations

Yvonne Perez
Senior Government Relations Specialist