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Meet Virginia: CCRC VP and Chief Financial Officer

A passion for helping children and giving back to the community drew Virginia Bergman Loo to CCRC and now, as Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO), she’s excited to support families in a bigger way.

Prior to coming to CCRC, Bergman Loo worked for 13 years a role as Vice President of Transformation. Before that, she was a Director of Finance in hospitality. In her previous experiences working for private and public corporations, she has driven strategy focused on accelerated growth, improved profitability, managed costs, created efficiencies, and mitigated risk.

“With the work I do, it isn’t just transformation, it’s also on the finance operation side,” she said. “Being able to give back with my skills was a huge draw for myself to work at CCRC.”

She is a Certified Professional Accountant and Certified Management Accountant with a degree in Business Administration from Camosun College, British Columbia. As a CFO, she’s obviously good with numbers. But don’t call her a math enthusiast.

“I wouldn’t actually say numbers are exciting for me, which maybe goes against the grain. But what it does do is tells a story,” she argued. “So, it tells us how we’re performing versus how we said we would perform, so that’s really the key, where do you take it from there.”

A Canadian national, her work first took her to Hawaii, where she met her husband.

“We have Hapa children, two sons, 13 and 16,” she said, referring to the Hawaiian word for children of mixed race. “We’re very much into competitive water polo – both boys play,” she shared. “My oldest son also played on the Canadian national team in Malta this year. They have big aspirations for that. We also spend a lot of time at home and outdoors in our yard. We have half an acre of property, we have chickens, dogs, so we have a lot of landscaping. We enjoy our time together.”

Building connections is important to her – both at home and in the workplace. Each of her previous roles, she said, have been an opportunity for growth.

“Every time I learn something. I don’t come in as an expert,” she said. “There are a lot of people who have been here a long time and know what they’re doing, so I can learn from them. Getting time to meet each person is my goal.”

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