Child and family advocates, along with congressional staff members, are coming together this month to call for policies that support early childhood. CCRC will be part of the 2025 Federal Early Childhood Advocacy Day on capitol hill in Washington D.C. on March 11.
The agency’s Government Relations team will meet with congressional offices staff and brief them on the needs of children and families. Advocates from around California will be participating to discuss policies and federal investments that impact early learning, family supports, and child care programs in California.
Our message is that lawmakers need to prioritize early childhood development and the child care industry workers who dedicate their lives to this essential work.
In addition to the advocacy day, a briefing is scheduled in the afternoon with California Early Childhood Education Advocates. Congressman Jimmy Gomez will provide opening remarks, followed by two engaging panel discussions that will cover both state-specific issues and national perspectives on early childhood education. A Q&A session will follow the panels, offering an opportunity to engage with experts and advocates in the field.
Last year for Lifting Up Families Advocacy Day, we joined with lawmakers and advocates to discuss a variety of issues from child care to poverty, food and housing insecurity, during a hybrid day of advocacy.
Several of our partner agencies are supporting Federal Early Childhood Advocacy Day: First 5 LA, First 5 California, Children Now, LAUSD, Unite LA and Child Care Alliance Los Angeles.