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The Growing Brain: Cognition and Executive Function


In this training, child care providers will: Learn about children’s executive function and how it affects behavior and other life skills Better understand the critical role of cognition and how young children acquire knowledge Discover and learn strategies to support children as they expand and develop their early thinking skills and cognitive development This training...

Workshops & Events

Voltearlo! Sugerencias


¡Voltéalo!  Transformando Conductas Desafiantes es una serie de 5 partes destinada a enseñar a los proveedores de cuidado infantil cómo responder positivamente a los comportamientos desafiantes. En esta sesión, discutiremos estrategias para redirigir comportamientos no deseados con niños pequeños. Los participantes descubrirán cómo animar a los niños usando señales, pistas y sugerencias creativas para ayudarlos...

Workshops & Events
Event Series Tuesday Morning Virtual Story Time

Tuesday Morning Virtual Story Time

We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.

Event Series Playgroup: Tuesday Morning Cohort

Playgroup: Tuesday Morning Cohort


You're invited to join our next virtual play group series! During this 8-week cohort, children and their caregivers will engage with other participants while singing songs, reading stories, and participating in interactive activities. Each week our early childhood experts will guide you and your child through interactive activities and provide you with tools and resources...

Workshops & Events
Event Series Playgroup: (Tuesday Afternoon)

Playgroup: (Tuesday Afternoon)


You are invited to join our next virtual playgroup series! During this 8-week cohort, children and their caregivers will engage with other participants while singing songs, reading stories, and participating in interactive activities. Each week our early childhood experts will guide you and your child through interactive activities and provide you with tools and resources...

Workshops & Events

Exploring the Competencies: Administration and Supervision


During this interactive training, we will: Explore the ECE Competency Area of Administration and Supervision Review the dispositions and key concepts as explained in the competency Understand how all professionals...

Workshops & Events

Meet CCRC in Ontario!

Heading to the game? Make sure to stop by and visit us! Our CCRC staff will be in Section 122B to share about the programs and services available to you...