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ECE Competencies: Strengthening the Knowledge and Skills of Early Childhood Professionals


In this training, child care providers will: Deepen their professional knowledge by using the California Early Childhood Educator Competencies as an action plan for professional development Dive into the twelve competency areas to understand the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that early childhood educators need to support young children’s learning and development Practice self-assessment and reflective...

Workshops & Events
Event Series Tuesday Morning Virtual Story Time

Tuesday Morning Virtual Story Time

We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.


El Impacto de los Hábitos y las Rutinas


En esta capacitación aprenderá el impacto positivo de los hábitos saludables y constantes. Reflexiona sobre tus rutinas y comprende cómo afectan tu vida personal y laboral. Aprende a crear un plan de hábitos saludables y modificar aquellos que no te benefician ni personal ni profesionalmente Este es un entrenamiento de Gateways: El profesionalismo (P) Para...

Workshops & Events
Event Series Wednesday Morning Virtual Story Time

Wednesday Morning Virtual Story Time


We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.

Event Series Thursday Morning Virtual Story Time

Thursday Morning Virtual Story Time


We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.

Event Series Tuesday Morning Virtual Story Time

Tuesday Morning Virtual Story Time

We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.


Clase Preventiva de Salud y Seguridad para el Cuidado Infantil


En esta clase interactive aprenderá sobre las mejores prácticas para combater la propagación de enfermedade y los requisites de vacuna. Discuta las pólizas y los procedimientos de seguridad para prevenir las lesions y las leyes y reglamentos sobre la nutrición en los programas de cuidado infanitl. Este clase está aprobada por la EMSA y cumple...

Workshops & Events
Event Series Wednesday Morning Virtual Story Time

Wednesday Morning Virtual Story Time


We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.


Playgroup: Wednesday Morning


During this 8-week cohort, children and their caregivers will engage with other participants while singing songs, reading stories, and participating in interactive activities. Each week, our early childhood experts will guide you and your child through interactive activities and provide you with tools and resources to create quality early childhood experiences in your home. Sessions...

Workshops & Events

Parent Café: Strengthening Families and the Five Protective Factors


Join the Conversation via Zoom! Our Parent Cafés are based on the Strengthening Families Framework and the Five Protective Factors. Families are invited to attend and have meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most, our families and how to make them stronger. Click here to register! 

Workshops & Events