Strengthening Families Blog

Summer Safety Tips

The summer months can be scorching hot so many families head to the water for some relief. Before you jump into the pool, let’s go over some essential water safety tips. Here are 5 tips to help keep your kids…
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A guide to language development in early childhood

Language is fundamental to our ability as humans to communicate with one another. Whether the message is informative, supportive or disciplinary, learning to speak and process the spoken word is an essential skill for children to develop. What is Language…
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What is child care?

What is Child Care: Exploring Benefits, Types, and Assistance Options Child care is essential to our economy, enabling parents to work or attend school. During the pandemic, we saw just how critical this service is when child care centers closed…
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A Day Without Child Care

Just days after Governor Gavin Newsom announced plans to slash from the state budget thousands of child care slots and critical funding for foster children, family advocates came together for National A Day Without Child Care. The rally was held…
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Dinosaur excavation craft for kids

Warmer weather has arrived and during those really hot days, this cool dinosaur excavation craft will help kids beat the heat. Children will love the opportunity to become an archaeologist for the day! Plus, it’s a great way for young…
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