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P. 8

STATEMENTS OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES For the Year Ended June 30, 2014 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2013)
      Payments to child care providers
Payments for contracted services
Personnel expenses
Salaries and wages
Payroll taxes
Employee benefits
Workers' compensation insurance
Total personnel expenses
Other operating expenses
Program Services
98,165,666 6,072,520
18,906,862 1,658,714 2,657,373
631,776 23,854,725
General and Administrative
$- -
Fundraising 2014 $- $ 98,165,666 - 6,072,520
2013 76,971,018
20,076,648 1,787,087 3,070,353
545,236 25,479,324
24,786 209,259
238,877 823,991 90,485 1,384 111,012
240,929 191,677 258,073
21,838 750,393 2,760,702 394,179 297,685 1,240,210 196,853 145,230 147,696 376,545
          Advertising 64,194 Bank fees 253 Business insurance 93,122 Conferences and
staff development 215,195 Depreciation expense 810,673 In-kind professional services 98,414 Interest expense - Membership dues 11,554 Office equipment leases
and maintenance 163,623 Other expenses 158,472 Postage and delivery 306,464 Printing 44,393 Professional services 503,786 Rent 2,704,828 Repairs and maintenance 466,446 Software costs 89,386 Supplies 1,124,316 Telephone 308,803 Temporary help - Travel 121,421 Utilities 309,387
Total other expenses 7,594,730
Total functional expenses $ 135,687,641
4,639,348 347,782 553,065
55,119 5,595,314
123,672 34,179 108,653
128,370 - - 1,050 130,059
113,269 17,530 68,075
4,698 344,232 713,207 89,510 444,010 152,366 73,931 - 30,553 86,156
22,591 23,568,801 1,660 2,008,156 1,858 3,212,296
279 687,174 26,388 29,476,427
121 187,987 - 34,432 - 201,775
521 344,086 - 810,673 - 98,414 - 1,050
8 141,621
297 277,189
503 176,505 1,020 375,559 338 49,429 876 848,894 8,776 3,426,811 1,104 557,060 49 533,445 1,170 1,277,852 474 383,208
- - 161 152,135 996 396,539
16,414 10,274,664
42,802 $ 143,989,277
$ 111,156,229
                    The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 6

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