Child Care Resource Center
Parent Café: Resilience [Victorville]
CCRC Victorville OfficeCCRC invites parents to join the conversation at our next in person Strengthening Families Parent Café: Resilience at CCRC’s Victorville Office. Parenthood brings so much joy, laughter, smiles and all the good times that we all talk about. But nobody really talks about the challenges that we face with our children. Join us for meaningful...
Playgroup: In-person [San Bernardino]
Reserve your spot at our 8-week in person Playgroup series in San Bernardino! Our early childhood experts will plan activities that encourage adult-child interaction throughout the session and beyond. All activities and experiences are based on topics that will prepare children for success. Children and their caregivers will engage with other participants while singing songs,...
Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (SEFEL) Overview
ZoomThe Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (SEFEL) Pyramid Model is a Behavioral Support System. At this training, participants will: - Discover how to use SEFEL to support social-emotional competence in children ages birth through age 5 - Learn about responsive caregiving, cultivating learning environments, and supporting children with challenging behaviors This training is for...
Parent Café: Resilience [Victorville]
CCRC Victorville OfficeCCRC invites parents to join the conversation at our next in person Strengthening Families Parent Café: Resilience at CCRC’s Victorville Office. Parenthood brings so much joy, laughter, smiles and all the good times that we all talk about. But nobody really talks about the challenges that we face with our children. Join us for meaningful...
¡Voltéalo! Sentimientos
Zoom¡Voltéalo! Transformando Conductas Desafiantes es una serie de 5 partes destinada a enseñar a los proveedores de cuidado infantil cómo responder positivamente a los comportamientos desafiantes. En esta sesión, discutiremos los sentimientos y su conexión con el comportamiento de los niños. Los participantes aprenderán cómo hablar suavemente con los niños sobre sus sentimientos y ayudarlos...
Módulo 3 – Soy El Padre Que Mi Hijo Necesita
Zoom¡Padres, pueden recibir un pago de hasta $120 para aprender sobre el cuidado informado sobre el trauma y las formas de desarrollar la resiliencia personal y familiar en nuestra serie de seis partes! El el Módulo 3 - Soy El Padre Que Mi Hijo Necesita, cubriremos: - Cómo el trauma afecta el desarrollo general al comprender el...
Módulo 4 – Entendiendo El Trauma Histórico
Zoom¡Padres, pueden recibir un pago de hasta $120 para aprender sobre el cuidado informado sobre el trauma y las formas de desarrollar la resiliencia personal y familiar en nuestra serie de seis partes! El el Módulo 4 - Entendiendo El Trauma Histórico, cubriremos: - La conexión entre la discriminación social y mayores niveles de estrés -...
Playgroup: In-person [San Bernardino]
Reserve your spot at our 8-week in person Playgroup series in San Bernardino! Our early childhood experts will plan activities that encourage adult-child interaction throughout the session and beyond. All activities and experiences are based on topics that will prepare children for success. Children and their caregivers will engage with other participants while singing songs,...
FLIP IT! Feelings
ZoomFlip it! Transforming Challenging Behaviors is a 5-part series aimed to teach child care providers how to respond positively to everyday challenging behaviors. In this session, we will: - Discuss feelings and their connection to children’s behavior - Learn how to gently talk with children about their feelings and help them understand the negative emotions...
Story Time [Virtual]
ZoomGet ready for an exciting read-aloud virtual story time! During our interactive session we will read a book, sing songs, move our bodies, and connect with other children and caregivers. Each day we will read a different story that will engage children as they explore the world around them. Registration is required. Complete the Story Time...
Módulo 5 – Fortaleciendo mi Paternidad Después de que Pasan Cosas Terribles
Zoom¡Padres, pueden recibir un pago de hasta $120 para aprender sobre el cuidado informado sobre el trauma y las formas de desarrollar la resiliencia personal y familiar en nuestra serie de seis partes! En el Módulo 5 - Fortaleciendo mi Paternidad Después de que Pasan Cosas Terribles, cubriremos: - Cómo permanecer flexible en tiempos difíciles para...
Parent Café: Social Connections [Victorville]
CCRC Victorville OfficeCCRC invites parents to join the conversation at our next in person Strengthening Families Parent Café: Social Connections at CCRC’s Victorville Office. Parenthood brings so much joy, laughter, smiles and all the good times that we all talk about. But nobody really talks about the challenges that we face with our children. Join us for...