Child Care Resource Center
Infant and Toddler Learning Development Program Guidelines
ZoomThis training will provide early childhood educators with care with guidance on the essential elements of a high-quality infant and toddler program. Participants will gain knowledge in “Setting the Stage for Program Quality” and the dive into the 10 Guidelines for Operating a High-Quality Program: - 1: Aspiring to Be a High-Quality Program - 2:...
Módulo 6 – Mi Cuidado Personal Es Importante
Zoom¡Padres, pueden recibir un pago de hasta $120 para aprender sobre el cuidado informado sobre el trauma y las formas de desarrollar la resiliencia personal y familiar en nuestra serie de seis partes! En el Módulo 6 - Mi Cuidado Personal Es Importante, cubriremos: - La importancia del autocuidado para preservar y mejorar el bienestar y...
Desired Results Development Profile Teacher Training – 2-Day Series
ZoomThe Desired Results Development Profile is an assessment instrument developed by the California Department of Education. At this training, you will: - Gain an understanding of the format and terms...
Playgroup: In-person [San Bernardino]
Reserve your spot at our 8-week in person Playgroup series in San Bernardino! Our early childhood experts will plan activities that encourage adult-child interaction throughout the session and beyond. All...
Playgroup [Palmdale]
CCRC Antelope Valley Office 250 Grand Cypress Ave, Palmdale, CA 93551, CA, United StatesYou and your little ones are invited to join our next Playgroup in person series at our CCRC Antelope Valley Office! In playgroup, our early childhood experts will plan activities...
Parent Café: Concrete Support [Victorville]
CCRC Victorville OfficeCCRC invites parents to join the conversation at our next in person Strengthening Families Parent Café: Concrete Support at CCRC’s Victorville Office. Parenthood brings so much joy, laughter, smiles and...
Story Time [Virtual]
ZoomGet ready for an exciting read-aloud virtual story time! During our interactive session we will read a book, sing songs, move our bodies, and connect with other children and caregivers....
Desired Results Development Profile Teacher Training – 2-Day Series
ZoomThe Desired Results Development Profile is an assessment instrument developed by the California Department of Education. At this training, you will: - Gain an understanding of the format and terms...
¡Voltéalo! Límites
Zoom¡Voltéalo! Transformando Conductas Desafiantes es una serie de 5 partes destinada a enseñar a los proveedores de cuidado infantil cómo responder positivamente a los comportamientos desafiantes. Durante esta sesión, discutiremos...
Parent Café – The Growing Brain [San Bernardino]
CCRC San Bernardino OfficeAs part of our mission to cultivate child, family and community well-being, we will be hosting a Growing Brain Café intended for parents, family members, friends or neighbors that care for children. We will explore the 5 protective factors that keep a family strong. - Parent Resilience: Managing stress and functioning well when faced with...
La Hora del Cuento [Virtual]
Zoom¡Nuestros especialistas en desarrollo infantil se alegran en ofrecerle a usted y a sus hijos una emocionante lectura de cuentos virtual! Durante nuestras sesiones interactivas leeremos libros, cantaremos canciones, moveremos...
Module 1 – Trauma: When Terrible Things Happen
ZoomParents, you can get paid up to $120 to learn about trauma informed care and ways to develop personal and family resilience in our six part series! In Module 1...