Page 12 - 2018 Winter Perspectives Newsletter LA
P. 12

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3 Child Care Resource Center
CCRC’s Trainings
We know you're committed to providing quality care. Our lree and paid trainings and workshops will provide
you with the tools to succeed.
” 1. Communicating with Parents when Concerns Arise
. i ' Successfully discuss sensitive topics with parents
~ - .
a 1 . -. -  ‘J ' Gain valuable tools and resources to help make referrals for

3. g 2‘ g l ‘ . the child

4', 4 ~ :j 3 ~  ' Learn strategies to build ongoing relationships with Families

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 .T¥‘* ' " ” 2. Adult-Child-Infant CPR & Pediatric First Aid

‘, - I  _ 3 V V  - Classes are EMSA approved and meet Child Care

'4  ' ‘ Licensing regulations

 ‘ ‘ ° Instructors are experts in early childhood and
h licensing regulations
.  ‘ - Professional and clean training environment with Free parking
fi For your convenience
You may be eligible to receive reimbursement on your
CPR training. See page 8 for details.

 3. Emergency Planning & Preparedness

ki ,~‘ fa.‘   ,‘_‘_ a Plan For potential emergencies and disasters

‘ y \ V  ‘ ' Receive a guide in the creation of a comprehensive plan for Fire,

I‘ (I _ ' ‘MP1  H ‘ 4, ‘ flood, earthquake, active shooter, and other emergency situations

‘' " A ‘l /\ ‘ ' Take home the Step—by—Step Guide to Plan for Emergencies along

.4 4 _ ‘W

£1“ , A 1/ ‘ with Forms, templates and worksheets

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Visit to regis

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