Page 3 - 2018 Winter Perspectives Newsletter LA
P. 3
,v _ . a » ‘ Message from the President & CEO
. ..,. g Welcome to the first Perspectives Newsletter of 2018! I hope your year is
~ g V_ ' off to a great start! I'm thrilled to inform you that the Department of Social
(7 ~ Services is funding Building a Bridge to High Quality Child Care for Foster
‘ ‘ . l Children (Bridge Program), an emergency child care payment for children
‘ 3 5;‘ in foster care.
1‘ We know one of the main barriers for families to accept a foster child
is the lack of access to child care. In addition to funding the child care cost,
\ -‘-_ foster children will have access to a quality early care
it /Q” environment, which is vital for their brain development, school readiness
and future success.
The Bridge Program will provide child care services to 970 children in Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties and
will consists of three components:
I. Eligible families may receive a child care payment to help cover the cost of child care, if they can't host a foster
child due to the need for child care.
2. A child care navigator will assist parents with finding a child care provider and securing child care financial
assistance — if eligible.
3. Child care providers will receive trauma-informed core training as well as coaching and strategies for working
with children in foster care.
For more information, contact us at 818.717.1000 ext. 4620 or 909.890.0018 ext. 2050.
To stay up to date with CCRC’s new programs and events, I encourage you to visit and subscribe to our
email newsletter.
Dr. Michael Olenick
President and CEO
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PS. On March 23rd, we will host the 27th Annual Policy Forum and we are offering lo scholarships — see page 4 for
details. I hope to see you there!
Operational Strategies Team: Michael Olenick Ellen Cervantes
President & Chief Executive Officer Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Shirley Cameron Denise Trinh Roger Gagnon
Vice President of Human Resources Chief Financial Officer Vice President & Chief Information Officer
Board Members:
Michelle Torres, Chair Aaron Rafelle, Member-at-Large Joannie Busillo-Aguayo Anthony Pena Dean A. Rocco
Adrian Stern, Vice Chair Alyce Akers Griselda De Mel Jeffrey S. Goodfried Romalis Taylor
Shelia Jones, Treasurer Charles Allen Martha Escobedo Alex Guerrero Peter Wang
Jeriel C. Smith, Esq., Secretary Dale C4 Anderson Felipe Fuentes Jason Ranclle Rita Garcia-Acuna
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Design: Leo Pozos Printed by: Creative Bridge