Page 2 - Demo
P. 2
Message from the CEO
Dear Friends,
Earlier this summer we witnessed children separated
from their parents at the US/Mexico border. As a ‘ _ V ,
father and a member of the early care and education ‘ ' -
field for over no years. I can't help but think about the ' ... _ v_ 4,.
impact on children and families who are affected by ‘ ‘ ‘i’ V»
the "Zero Tolerance" policy. While there have been ‘ ‘-.‘ _ .
new measures taken to reunite some of the 2,000 -3
children that have involuntarily been taken away from .4_
their parents, the extent of destruction this policy has .
caused on children is unprecedented. I ‘ -i I __
Children are aware of their surroundings. They may - * ' ’
have seen the news or heard adults discussing family — ' \
separation which might lead them to feeling sad, -2 '
anxious and confused. If you are looking for ways to \
talktoyour children aboutwhatis going on, I highly
suggest you visit our recent blog post, Talking to Kids
About Traumatic Evens with Tips and Videos found on -
our website (Irrvrmctroaorg). Here are additional ’
resources to aide you and your family during this time: v V; V.
- Sesame Street in the Communities " ‘
Irvrirrsesamestrietfnthecorlrmunitiaorg L y
- There is also a great site for educators and families ' “
of English language learners at
- Check out the latest title from The Mother
Company, A Little Book About Feelings by Abbie _‘
Schfller and Sam Kurtzman-Counter. i 7 \
, I _///'
. I-/"
‘ . I - » I .‘__.g;; - a Vroom Trusted Messenger
r r - r rig with children with Disabilities
1 - . J;_'.Laundry Pads out of Reach of children
s » ‘ Your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
» s - hmnp and Pineapple Tacos Recipe
~ "jder Portal mos
' , - » i - dfcion en Espafiol
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