Page 9 - 2020 Perspective Newsletter - English
P. 9
Take the Learning
and Fun Outside!
Summer is here and
our beautiful southern California weather makes
it hard to stay inside. When you take the kids outside (in a safe environment, such as your backyard, not in a public space), they have more space to practice social distance and stay 6 feet apart.
Decorate the Backyard with Painted Rocks
Add color to your outdoor and indoor space. You will need: Acrylic paint, paintbrushes and rocks
Chalk Away!
Let the Picasso in you come out. You will need: Chalk and a clear surface to draw on
Outdoor Picnic
Take your favorite meal outside! Set up a blanket and a picnic basket. Set up individual servings in advance and don’t allow kids to share utensils. You will need: Snacks/lunch, blanket and a picnic basket
Obstacle Course
You can never go wrong with an obstacle course. You will need: Use what you have at home, for example: balls, hula hoops, ropes, boxes, potato sacks, cones, etc.
Scavenger Hunt in the Backyard
We love this activity! Look around your backyard and create a list of items kids need to find. Think of different colors, shapes and textures. Next week, change the list and you have a whole new activity! A bonus brain development activity, ask the kids to explain each item they find! You will need: items that can be found in your backyard
Water Balloon Fun
Kids love to play with water and especially during the summer heat. You will need: Balloon, water hose
CCRC recommends for child care providers to discuss these and all other outdoor activities with parents and have permission in advance.
Summer 2020 | 9