Page 19 - Demo
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Planning to Do” represent the “Not Doing” category, and those who answered “Does Not Apply to My Site” are reported as is. These categories were collapsed in this manner because many of the cells would otherwise have frequencies of less than 5% and therefore would violate statistical assumptions, preventing the use of tests to evaluate group differences. This method of collapsing categories was used in all analyses presented in this report.
Based on a set of research questions, analyses were conducted to explore if baseline and follow-up responses differed. Tests to explore differences were done using chi-square analyses unless assumptions for chi-square analyses were violated and then Fisher’s Exact Tests were conducted in those instances. Additionally, group differences were tested to determine if site type (center-based or home-based), goal type (nutrition or physical activity), or coaching/no coaching was related to the percentage of participants who reported doing/not doing these practices at baseline and follow-up. Percentages of participants doing/not doing/does not apply are presented.
Figures 1 and 2 show the percent of child care providers engaging in each nutrition practice and/or policy during baseline and follow-up. To facilitate referencing the items on the baseline and follow-up survey, the item number corresponding to each area is indicated in parentheses to the left of the item description on the graph. An asterisk (*) denotes items for which there were significant differences in providers engaging in the practice or policy between baseline and follow-up. As seen in both figures, large percentages of child care providers and teachers are making progress or already doing the following with greater than 90% reported making progress or already doing these at both baseline and follow-up:
 Parents are given information about what their children are eating.
 Parents are given information about what their children are offered (menus).
 Meals and snacks are scheduled at a consistent time each day.
 Mealtimes are relaxed, calm, and with shared conversation.
 Food is served in a form that young children could eat without choking.
 Adults sit with children at mealtime.
 Drinking water is feely available throughout the day.
These areas could have already been in practice prior to the CHLA CC program, or the participants could have learned these from the CHLA CC training they attended. Although the instructions on the survey asked participants to think about their child care program prior to the training and answer questions about their program before the training, it is possible that their knowledge at the time of completing the survey (after participating in the training) may have influenced their perception of their program prior to the training. It was not logistically
Improving Health in Child Care Settings: 2016 15

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