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and about 70% at follow-up). It is unclear why 15% of participants felt that a physical activity policy for parents at enrollment was not applicable to their site. Finally, limiting screen time to 30 minutes per week was the area reported by the smallest percentage of participants with less than 60% reporting doing this at their child care setting and approximately one-third reported that it was not applicable to their site (at baseline and follow-up). It is possible that those who report this question was not applicable may not allow any screen time in their site as part of their practices or may not have screen time devices available in their programs, which would be a positive finding. However, we cannot determine that from the survey as it is currently written.
Fisher’s Exact Tests were conducted for each question (separately for baseline and follow-up), testing for differences by site (center/home), language, and coaching/no coaching.
There was a significant difference by site type at baseline for one item. Specifically, center- based providers were 9.59 times more likely that family child care providers to indicate that they were “Already Doing” or “Making Progress” in “parents receive written physical activity policy upon enrollment.”
Table 7. Physical Activity: Relationship at Baseline between Site Type and Response to item 28: “Parents receive written physical activity policy upon enrollment.”
There were also significant changes in participants’ physical activity practices and policies from baseline to follow-up. Items which showed significant change in the percent of providers “doing” are:
 Parents receive written physical activity policy upon enrollment.
 Children have at least 60 minutes of structured or teacher-led, physical activity time (or
30 minutes in a half-day program.
 Information is provided to parents about their child’s physical activity while in child care.
 Staff participate in physical activities with children.
 Parents were provided information that encourages physical activity at home.
McNemar tests were conducted to evaluate these differences from baseline to follow-up. More participants reported providing parents with written physical activity policies upon enrollment at follow-up (84.6%) than at baseline (74.5%), p <.01 (n=416). Of the 106 participants not doing this at baseline, 65 (61.3%) changed to doing this at follow-up. Additionally, more participants
Improving Health in Child Care Settings: 2016 28
            Center Licensed Home
      Doing 283 (78.4%) 59 (60.2%)
        Not Doing 78 (21.6%) 39 (39.8%)
        P < .001, FET (n=459). Odd’s ratio = 9.59. Numbers in parentheses indicate column percentages.

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