Page 71 - Demo
P. 71

Table C4. Nutrition Feeding Practices: Relationship at baseline between site type and response to item 5: “Meals and snacks are scheduled at consistent times each day.”
- (FET) is Fisher’s Exact Test. Only the P value is reported for this test. o Odds Ratio = 26.22
 [0.5 added to each cell to compute odds ratio per Haldane (1955) and Gart & Zweifel (1967)].
 Citation refers to standard practice of adding .5 to each cell when computing an Odds Ratio with “0” in numerator or denominator.
 Center-based respondents were 26.22 times more likely than Family child care providers to indicate that they are “Already Doing” or “Making Progress” on item 5.
Table C5. Nutrition Feeding Practices: Relationship at follow-up between site type and response to item 5: “Meals and snacks are scheduled at consistent times each day.”
- (FET) is Fisher’s Exact Test. Only the P value is reported for this test. o Odds Ratio = 25.87
 [0.5 added to each cell to compute odds ratio per Haldane (1955) and Gart & Zweifel (1967)].
 Citation refers to standard practice of adding .5 to each cell when computing an Odds Ratio with “0” in numerator or denominator.
 Center-based respondents were 25.87 times more likely than family child care providers to indicate that they are “Already Doing” or “Making Progress” on item 5.
            Center Licensed Home
      Doing 466 (100%) 124 (97.6%)
        Not Doing 0 (0%) 3(2.4%)
        P = .010, FET (n=593). Numbers in parentheses indicate column percentages.
             Center Licensed Home
      Doing 467 (100%) 126 (97.7%)
        Not Doing 0 (0%) 3(2.3%)
        P = .010, FET (n=596). Numbers in parentheses indicate column percentages.

   69   70   71   72   73