Page 12 - Demo
P. 12

Each staff person should have a designated role in the event of an emergency. In some instances staff may have more than one designated role. When assigning roles be mindful of staff’s strengths and skill sets. Ensure that they are comfortable with their assigned role and that they receive ongoing training. Staff should receive cross-training in another position in case someone is not present or is unable to perform his or her emergency role. Even if staff does not have an identified role, everyone should practice and be aware of
the emergency plan. Use the Roles and Responsibilities Form in the Appendix to keep a record of each staff member’s role, the back-up staff and dates staff received training.
The following roles should be identified in your emergency plan:
1. Leader: This person will take leadership for overall coordination of the emergency response. This
role will likely be filled by the Director or Owner.
2. Assistant Leader: This person will provide assistance with the overall coordination.
3. Communications: This person will communicate with the parents/guardians and emergency personnel concerning the status of children and the child care program before, during and after an emergency. This should also include distribution of resources and materials to help families recover and cope with the emergency. If staffing allows, consider assigning multiple people to this role as it may consist of communication with many people.
4. Supplies: This person is responsible for emergency supply kits and other essential materials as well as providing first aid during emergencies.
5. Supervision and care of children. Including assisting children with special needs.
6. Drivers of evacuation vehicles.
Save the Children, Child Care Emergency Preparedness Training Participant Manual (2012)
Facilities serving children with special needs must consider these needs when planning and preparing for emergency situations. Staff should be pre-designated to care for particular children and their specific needs. The following should be considered when caring for children with special needs during an emergency:
• Specialized equipment
• Supply of medication including a plan for refrigeration, if required
• Maintaining a list of child’s doctors and specialists
• Evacuation sites capable of handling special needs including wheelchair access, as needed
• Backup power source for any medical equipment
Use the Special Assistance Form in the Appendix to keep a record of those that have special needs or may require special assistance in the event of an emergency. Create a list of each person in your facility (staff or children) that require assistance. The list should include:
• Name of person
• Name of staff member assigned to provide assistance

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