Page 16 - Demo
P. 16

                 Contagious diseases and illnesses are common in child care settings. It is important to recognize symptoms and immediately contact the child’s parent or guardian to pick up the child so that they can receive treatment if needed and not spread to other children in the facility.
Daily health checks when children arrive at child care can help determine when a child may be feeling ill. Recognizing when there is a change in the child’s normal behavior, appearance or complaints of discomfort or pain can help determine if a child is well enough to remain in child care.
Providers can help parents prepare for events when their child is ill by creating a Sick Policy and plans for alternative care for when the child cannot stay in your care.
To reduce the spread of infectious diseases the following steps should always be practiced:
• Frequent hand washing by children and staff
• Use of gloves for diapering and first aid
• Covering of coughs and sneezes
• Frequent sanitization of toys and table surfaces
When an outbreak of a contagious disease is identified it is important to inform all parents in your facility that their child has been exposed. Request a doctor’s note before the child returns to care as appropriate.
Signs & Symptoms: An extremely itchy rash with a mild fever will develop, pink bumps will turn into blisters and finally into scabs.
Spread: Chicken pox is spread by close contact or from airborne droplets from 1 to 2 days before until about 5 days after the rash appears. New cases can appear up to 20 days after contact. Chicken pox is very contagious.
Return to Facility: Child may return to care when all of the blisters are crusted over and dry, which is usually not until the sixth day after the rash starts.
Signs & Symptoms: Red, tearing eyes that may hurt or feel itchy, swollen eye lids, thick, yellow or green discharge that creates a crust that may cause the eyelids to shut close.
Spread: Pink eye is spread by contact, when the infected child rubs his or her eyes and then touches other objects.
Return to Facility: An infected child may return to care when the discharge stops.

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