Page 3 - Demo
P. 3

                  • Providers should remain calm and provide clear evacuation instructions to children. • If evacuating bring your Ready-to-Go kit including contact information for all children. • Call 911 after evacuation is complete.
• For nearby wild fires or structural fires, close all doors and windows. Evacuate the
premises immediately if ordered by safety officials or if you believe the situation is unsafe. • Stay tuned to the radio or television for emergency information and alert messages.
• Communicate with parents about situation status or if you evacuated.
• Do not return to your home/facility until safety officials notify you it is safe.
• Assess the damage to your facility. Ensure it is safe before re-entering. Be sure all
utilities are operational.
• Be aware of the wide range of emotional reactions and needs children might have
and provide emotional support.
• Assess the children, your staff and yourself for emotional issues that may develop
after the event.
• Review and revise drills and your evacuation plan as needed.
• File an incident report with Community Care Licensing if the fire was at your facility.

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