Workshops & Events

Virtual Playgroup

Join us for a virtual playgroup experience! During our weekly sessions our early childhood experts will plan activities that encourage adult-child interaction throughout the session and beyond. All activities and experiences are based on topics that will prepare children for success in school and life. Children and their caregivers will engage with other participants while...

Parent CafŽ – Los Cinco Factores Protectores

ònase a nuestra cohorte para colaborar y desarrollar conversaciones transformadoras que nutran el esp’ritu familiar y promuevan el bienstar al cubrur los Cinco Factores Protectores.  Haga clic aqu’ para registrarse.  

CCIP: Basic Child Development 101 (Online Training)

The Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP) is a quality improvement project that delivers training and support for prospective and licensed family child care providers. Join us for a virtual cohort in which you will receive a series of free workshops, assistance in understanding licensing requirements, technical support and mentoring, and virtual networking with other child...

Virtual Playgroup

Join us for a virtual playgroup experience! During our weekly sessions our early childhood experts will plan activities that encourage adult-child interaction throughout the session and beyond. All activities and experiences are based on topics that will prepare children for success in school and life. Children and their caregivers will engage with other participants while...

Parent Café: Learn the Signs. Act Early


Parents! You're invite to join the conversation! At our next Parent Café you and other parents will: Recognize the characteristics of developmental milestones for children ages 2 months to 5...


Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ & ASQ-SE) Overview


In this ASQ and ASQ-SE overview, we will cover the basics of both screening tools. Participants will review the benefits of early intervention through a developmental screening tool and the...


Developing and Understanding Leadership Styles


In this interactive training, you will: Develop an awareness of diverse leadership styles Expand on you appreciation for the unique leadership skills within your team, and discover how to honor and support others in gaining their leadership experience Reflect on your leadership style and understand your role as a member of the team This training...


Objective Observations: Understanding the How and Why


In this introductory training, participants will: Learn how to use objective observations as a guide to activity planning Understand the why behind conducting daily observations and how to incorporate them in your routine Engage in interactive activities that develop their skills in writing objective and descriptive observations. This training fulfills 2 hours in the competency...


Cómo escribir un plan de lección y conectarlo al DRDP y los Fundamentos del Aprendizaje Preescolar


En esta capacitación, exploraremos cómo conectar los dominios del DRDP utilizando las estrategias que se ven en los Fundamentos del aprendizaje preescolar de California. También vamos a dar ideas sobre cómo incorporar estas estrategias en la planificación de sus lecciones diarias. Venga listo para compartir y participar en el proceso. Esta capacitación será muy interactiva....


Flip It! An Intro to Transforming Challenging Behaviors


Flip it! Transforming Challenging Behaviors is a 5-part series aimed to teach child care providers how to respond positively to everyday challenging behaviors. In this introduction session, participants will learn four...
