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Workshops & Events

Event Series Story Time [Virtual]

Story Time [Virtual]


Our child development specialists are excited to bring you and your child an exciting read-aloud virtual story time! During our interactive sessions we will read a book, sing songs, move our bodies, and connect with other children and caregivers. Each day we will read a different story that will engage children as they explore the...

Módulo 1 – Trauma: Cuando Suceden Cosas Terribles


¡Padres, pueden recibir un pago de hasta $120 para aprender sobre el cuidado informado sobre el trauma y las formas de desarrollar la resiliencia personal y familiar en nuestra serie de seis partes! En el Módulo 1 - Trauma: Cuando Suceden Cosas Terribles, cubriremos: - La definición de trauma - Las características de un “Lente Informado...

Salud Mental Infantil: Lo que los maestros necesitan saber


Comprender el desarrollo socioemocional es la clave para ayudar a las familias (y a nosotros mismos) a desarrollar habilidades de afrontamiento y resiliencia. Durante esta capacitación, revisaremos los fundamentos de...

Workshops & Events

Promoting Father/Male Engagement in Your Child Care Program


In this training, participants will: - Learn how children benefit when the men in their lives are engaged in their child care program - Explore the challenges of trying to engage dads, grandfathers, uncles, brothers - Examine whether your program offers opportunities that welcome men to be part of their child's/children's learning - Understand the...

Workshops & Events
Event Series La Hora del Cuento [Virtual]

La Hora del Cuento [Virtual]


¡Nuestros especialistas en desarrollo infantil se alegran en ofrecerle a usted y a sus hijos una emocionante lectura de cuentos virtual! Durante nuestras sesiones interactivas leeremos libros, cantaremos canciones, moveremos nuestros cuerpos y nos conectaremos con otros niños y cuidadores. Cada día leeremos una historia diferente que involucrará a los niños mientras exploran el mundo...

Module 2 – What Happens To My Family After Terrible Things Happen


Parents, you can get paid up to $120 to learn about trauma informed care and ways to develop personal and family resilience in our six part series! In Module 2 - What Happens To My Family After Terrible Things Happen, we will cover: - The three types of stress responses - Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)...

El desarrollo del cerebro: El desarrollo socioemocional


Aprenda a comprender cómo se desarrolla el desarrollo socioemocional en los primeros cinco años y el papel del cerebro durante el proceso. Utilizando estrategias basadas en evidencia, aprenda cómo apoyar...

Workshops & Events

Setting the Stage for Inclusion


During this introductory session, participants will: - Understand how to create an environment of inclusiveness and belonging for children and their families - Learn key terms and definitions, how to...

Workshops & Events

Module 3 – I Am The Parent My Child Needs


Parents, you can get paid up to $120 to learn about trauma informed care and ways to develop personal and family resilience in our six part series! In Module 3...