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Workshops & Events

Building Early Education Strategies (BEES) Open House


Child Care Resource Center’s Building Early Education Strategies (BEES) program aims to provide timely consultation to ensure that child care providers, children, and their families receive the support they need to strengthen the child’s social and emotional development. BEES is a prevention based program that pairs a Mental Health Consultant (MHC) with adults working with...


Parent Café: Los Cinco Factores Protectores


Únase a nuestra cohorte para colaborar y desarrollar conversaciones transformadoras que nutran el espíritu familiar y promuevan el bienstar al cubrur los Cinco Factores Protectores. Inscribise aquí. 


Parent Café: Los Cinco Factores Protectores

Acompáñenos en Zoom

Únase a nuestra cohorte para colaborar y desarrollar conversaciones transformadoras que nutran el espíritu familiar y promuevan el bienstar al cubrur los Cinco Factores Protectores. Para Registrarse: https://ccrc.jotform.com/203247527307857
