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Workshops & Events

Parent Café: Vitalities – Journey to Overall Well-Being

This Café experience is focused on those who provide care for the children of family, friends, or neighbors. Join us for meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most, our families, and how to make them stronger. During our Parent Cafés, you will have the opportunity to receive new information, share experiences, ask questions, and learn...


Using Supportive Relationships to Nurture the Language of Emotions

Recognize the characteristics of positive relationships and understand the impact they have on children’s social-emotional development. Analyze feelings, emotions, reactions, and biases towards children’s behavior. Recognize that children’s behaviors are a form of communicating needs and emotions. Identify strategies to support children’s emotional development. • This training fulfills 2 hours in the competency area: Relationships,...


El Uso Seguro del Extintor de Incendios

Crearán un plan prevenir incedios que efectiamente reduce la probabilidad de perder su propriedad. Aprenderán sobre los diferentes tipos de fuegos y los varios métodos de extinción. Cómo mantener su programa de acuerdo con las leyes y las regulaciones. • Esta entrenamiento cuenta como 2 horas en el área de: La salud, la seguridad y...


Orientación para el Programa de CCIP

Comprenda mejor la estructura y el propósito del Proyecto de Iniciativa de Cuidado Infantil (CCIP). Descubra las formas en que este programa le brindará apoyo y orientación en el proceso de aplicación para obtener su licencia de cuidado infantil. Reciba información sobre la página del Registro— una plataforma para la fuerza laboral de educadores y cuidadores de la edad temprana— y...


Parent Café: Strengthening Families and the Five Protective Factors

Join the Conversation via Zoom! The Parent Cafés are based on the Strengthening Families Framework and the Five Protective Factors. At the cafés, families will have meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most, our families and how to make them stronger. • To Register: https://ccrc.jotform.com/KWilliams/CCRC-FE-PCs-Registration


Early Literacy and Engaging with Text in Preschool Settings

Discuss the skills and competencies associated with early literacy. Explore what early literacy is and what it looks like in preschool. Identify the many opportunities there are for engaging children with books. Explore how to intentionally bring early literacy skills into your classroom. Adapted from the Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) Model. • This training...


Aspectos del Negocio de Cuidado Infantil Familiar: Planificación Financiera y Legal

Compare los beneficios de ser un proveedor autorizado con los de un proveedor exento. Evalúe las ventajas de iniciar un nuevo negocio, así como los desafíos de ser propietario de un negocio. Descubra cómo crear un plan para iniciar y reciba experiencia práctica en la creación de un plan de negocios. • Esta entrenamiento cuenta...


Child Development: Learn the Signs. Act Early

Recognize the characteristics of developmental milestones for children ages 2 months to 5 years. Discover tools such as the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early guide to help you track and understand the development of the children in your care. • This training fulfills 2 hours in the competency area: Child Development and Learning (CDL)...


Childhood Stress: Reducing the Risk and Building Resiliency

Understand the causes of stress and the harmful effects it has on children’s brains and bodies. Discover simple, everyday strategies to help support children’s mental and physical well-being. Learn how to initiate discussions with staff and families about how to build resilience within children. • This training fulfills 2 hours in the competency area: Health,...


Parent Café: Male Engagement

We invite fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other male caregivers to join us for a series of meaningful, guided conversations around the male parenting experience. During our Male Engagement Parent Café, you will have the opportunity to receive new information, share experiences, ask questions, and learn about resources to help you raise strong, resilient children. •...


Prevención del envenenamiento por plomo en la niñez

En esta capacitación, los participantes van a: Descubrir el efecto negativo del plomo en la salud y los riesgos elevados que tiene el envenenamiento por plomo en los niños. Aprender sobre los pasos que pueden tomar para reducir la exposición de los niños pequeños bajo su cuidado. Aprender cómo inspeccionar su entorno mensualmente y cómo...


The Growing Brain: Understanding Behavior


Understand the anatomy of the brain and how it influences children's behavior. Examine the connection between the various areas of the brain and how these connections are expressed through behavior....
