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Workshops & Events

Momento de Cuentos Virtuales del Jueves por la Tarde


Lo invitamos a usted y a su hijo a unirse a nosotros para disfrutar de un emocionante tiempo de lectura en voz alta. Durante nuestras sesiones interactivas, los niños desarrollarán habilidades de lenguaje y comunicación. Cada día leeremos un cuento diferente e involucreremos a los niños en la exploración del mundo que los rodea. Para...


Parent Café: Vitalities – Journey to Overall Well-Being


Join us for meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most, our families, and how to make them stronger. During our Parent Cafés, you will have the opportunity to receive new information, share experiences, ask questions, and learn about resources to help you raise strong, resilient children. Our Parent Cafes are offered in a safe and...

Violence and Active Shooter Training


Are you ready to respond to a violent incident in your program? Being ready does not have to be scary. Join CCRC and Institute for Childhood Preparedness for an interactive training developed specifically for child care providers. This training is grounded in real-world evidence and features hands on exercises. The course will include topics on:...

Parent Café: Los Cinco Factores Protectores


Únase a nuestra cohorte para colaborar y desarrollar conversaciones transformadoras que nutran el espíritu familiar y promuevan el bienstar al cubrur los Cinco Factores Protectores. Para registrarse haga clic aquí

Event Series Thursday Morning Story Time

Thursday Morning Story Time


We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.
