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The Growing Brain – The factors Affecting Brain Growth and Development

Understand and identify the key factors that affect brain development. Discover strategies, such as the 5 R’s, to support healthy overall brain growth in children. Understand how stress affects the developing brain. • This training fulfills 2 hours in the competency area: Child Development and Learning (CDL). • To Register: Visit www.caregistry.org Login to your...


LA County: CA Child Care Preventive Health & Safety

This class is EMSA approved and meets the 8-Hour Preventive Health & Safety requirement needed to become licensed by Community Care Licensing (CCL). Training Topics Include: Prevention of Infectious Diseases, Prevention of Injuries, Lead, and Nutrition. You must complete both days (8-hours) of training in order toreceive a certificate. Partial credit will absolutely NOT be...


Leading a Team through Changes in theProgram

Explore a change management framework to lead your team through change. Examine strategies to support your team's successful change journey. Understand a leader’s role as the key to implementing successful change. Learn how to support the process and the people to get to the end result. • This training fulfills 2 hours in the competency...


Orientación para el Programa de CCIP

Comprenda mejor la estructura y el propósito del Proyecto de Iniciativa de Cuidado Infantil (CCIP). Descubra las formas en que este programa le brindará apoyo y orientación en el proceso...


Using Community Resources to Support Children’s Learning

Understand the importance of community resources to enhance children's learning experiences inside and outside of the classroom. Identify key community resources that support program practices and family needs.  Learn best...


El Impacto de Habitos y Rutinas

Reflexione e identifique lo negativo y positivo de sus rutinas y hábitos. Comprender el cómo las rutinas y los hábitos pueden afectar su vida personal y laboral. Crear un plan...


Child Care initiative Project Orientation

Better understand the structure and purpose of the Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP) and discover the ways in which this program will provide support and guidance as you become a...


Parent Café: Aprenda los Signos. Reaccione Pronto

ÚNETE A LA CONVERSACIÓN: Reconozca las características de los indicadores del desarrollo para niños de 2 meses a 5 años. Aprenda la importancia de seguir el desarrollo de su hijo...
