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Workshops & Events

Fire Safety, Prevention, and Extinguisher Usage


During this training you will learn the differences between types of fire extinguishers along with how to: - Properly extinguish a fire - Use the PASS method - Maintain your...

Workshops & Events

Escala de Calificación del Ambiente de Cuidado Infantil en Familia: Profundizando en la Subescala de Rutinas de Cuidado Personal


Esta capacitación te invita a una discusión facilitada para brindar una comprensión más profunda de los elementos de las Rutinas de Cuidado Personal dentro la herramienta, La Escala de Calificación del Ambiente de Cuidado Infantil en Familia (FCCERS.) Daremos una mirada más cercana a las comidas/refrigerios, el cambio de pañales/el uso del baño, las prácticas...

Workshops & Events

The Growing Brain: Communication and Language Development


In this training, participants will: - Explore how communication and language skills develop during the first five years - Understand how the brain functions during the development of these skills and the progression of communication milestones - Learn strategies for supporting early communication skills and multi-language learning This training fulfills 2 hours in the Competency...

Workshops & Events