Page 4 - Child Care Resource Center
P. 4

 Head Start Birth to Five
 Focus Question: Imagine you and your child are on a camping trip. What would be the best part?
1. Trail mix recipe w/ home ingredients
Ask your child if she/he would like to make a snack with you. Create a list of dry ingredients with your child. If you have cereal, pretzels, raisins, or dry fruit you can make a great trail mix with your child. Be creative, look around your kitchen and see what you can find. Be sure to take a picture of your trail mix and write your recipe down so you can make it again!
2. Make blanket forts or tents
Choose an area in your home (child’s bedroom or living room) to build your fort or tent. Before you start to build, ask your child what items they want in their fort? And what type of fort it's going to be? Then grab your blankies, or woobies and arrange them over your furniture to make a fort. If you use small blankets then you've made a tent! it's a perfect dramatic play place. Don’t leave the baby out!
3. Read a book under the “stars”
Extension of forts/tents activity. Don't take your fort or tent down yet. Use it as a quiet cozy place to read with your child. You can also use your new fort or tent to expand on nap time or bedtime routines. If you'd like a camping feel, turn off the lights and read to your child using a flash light or light from your cell phone.
4. Create a craft with recyclable items
paper bag puppet, socks puppet, water bottle discovery, yarn, broken crayons, egg cartons, paper towel tubes.
Babies can join in by watching, or painting making handprints on the items.

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