Page 5 - Child Care Resource Center
P. 5

 SUMMER 2020
 5. Have a picnic lunch or dinner
Invite everybody to eat on a blanket outside or inside; each family member can bring something fun and healthy.
  *Content development areas: Social Studies, science, math, language & literacy, fine motor skills development, large motor skills development, nutrition focus.
 All of these vegetables grow pretty sprouts and flowers. Try one each day.
Focus Question: Pretend you are a seed way down in the soil. How does it feel the
first time you SPROUT out of the dirt?
*For infants and toddlers let baby touch, smell, see the growth overtime. Be sure to talk to your baby or toddler while you engaged in the activity.
1. Sweet Potato- cut it in half and suspend each half using toothpicks or twigs above a shallow container of water.
2. Beans- take one or two beans and place them into a plastic Ziploc bag with a wet cotton ball. Tape the bag to a window that receives lots of sunlight.
3. Celery- cut off the bottom of the celery and place it in a shallow container with a little warm water in the bottom. The bowl should be kept in a sunny and relatively warm place.
4. Onion- take a small section of the base of a bulb or stem, with the roots attached, and place it in a shallow dish of water.
5. Carrot- cut top off and place it in a shallow bowl with water, cut side down.
These activities and others can be found at
 *Content development areas: language, fine motor skills development, math, science, social emotional development, sensory stimulation

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