Page 10 - 2018 Winter Perspectives Newsletter SB
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Reporter ‘
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Beginning January l, 20lB, Health and Salety Code l596.8662 requires

all licensed providers, applicants, directors and employees to complete

training as specified on their mandated reporter duties and to renew their

training every two years. Volunteers are encouraged but not required to

take the training.

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Effective January 1, 2018:
- Applicants must meet requirements as a precondition
to licensure
- Existing licensees must meet requirements by
March 30, 2018
- New employees shall have 90 days From date of
employment to complete training as required
This training requirement may be met by using the olfice of child
abuse prevention’s online training modules, The OCAP modules
, . are free of cost and available at
n www.mandatedreporfercaxom

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