Page 11 - Demo
P. 11
— Delivering I nifinrlt Mange: Helping
I-' Parents Beeorne I Part oflour team
I 1 Good comrrmnicatiorr with parents is the key to the
, -; . success of the children you work with. Learn the steps
_ H3. . _ on how in rlelrver a dilficult message to parents and
5", ' V -"1 ' ’ help them become a part uf your team.
- . ' - We will discuss how our brains work with regards to
' commurlicauon and now to overcome barriers that
may nresent Ilrerrrselves when tallring with parents
- Effective cammuurtallon skills will be
. demonstrated so you can put them into practice.
stress! stressl stress! How can I manage rt all?
raking care or children :5 a lot orwmu Mu. ll (an be 3 i . 6, I‘
very stressful. By the end 0! the class. you will walk -4 , ‘ '- . ‘ l 1
away with your own personal stress management plan. ‘*0’ ‘. ’ 5 ‘ an ‘, _' r‘
- Ihisvrorlrshon will discuss whatSlRESS isand how " ,_"_'I , ‘W
rlafier:rsyuurbudy.rnrnd and emotions , I 5 ‘H
- Learn how to take care of yourself so rhat you can ' -u 1
prevenl“burn oul"wtrh simple stress management 1,. r H - ;_ ‘‘ , ' -
techmuues. -‘ " \ ,
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