Page 9 - Demo
P. 9
Child Development Site Supervisor Permit
ii Supervise a child care and developmental program.
coordinate staff, and create curriculum in a child care
and development program.
1 - The completion ofa Bachelor's degree or higher;
item it t t
3 K ”‘ - - The completion of at least 12 semester units of
early childhood education or child development
‘ _ ‘. . ‘ coursework; AND
- The completion of at least three semester units of
child Devehpmem Masteneadm, Perm“ sfiperiiised fiild experience In an early childhood
e uca ion se in
Supervise aides, teachers. and associate teachers. It _ g _ ,
also allows you to serve as a coordinator of curriculum 0"” Dmmpmem P'°-3"” D"°d°' Penn“
in 3 Child d9VBl°D'"9fll Of EBTIV childhood 5E‘lliI1E- Supervise a program that operates out of a single site
, The completion oral least 2,, Semester units of or multiple sites. ltalso allows you to provide services
mursewmk in child development 0, early in thehiridstructionédjevelrypmenté and care oiéhildren
childhood education, including at least one course '" 5 Eshlaff Sara {an m E\I[Ea0i‘1j":;‘ri9';’g”m a"d.':t:we
in each of the following core areas: as 3 we up E" n Cu Ni‘ mm ' '
_ (mm/human gmmh and development - Complete a Bachelor 5 degree or higher: AND
_ chm family_ and community. Or child and - tomplete at least SlX semesterunits of coursework
'Th° ‘°".'p‘e?i°" °f4 16 Semesm “M5 i" g‘?"°"!l courses. one of which is introductory and one of
education: including at least one course in each of which is advanced; AND
the following areas: . . . .
_ H ‘ , dl f "5 - Complete at least two additional semester UIIILS In
_ umanmes a" _ °' me a adult supervision coursework; AND
‘ Mat? a"d’°'5c'e"°e - Verify one year of experience as a site supervisor
r - Social sciences _
‘ - English or language arts; AND
‘ ‘ i -The completion at six additional units in one area Q‘
of specialization. which may include (but is not _ ‘ ‘- 5 5 _~ Q ;
llrnitedto): ‘ ‘ H_ i . ‘v ~ ”’ ‘
< Bilirgual and bicultural development -. '/ it; " I « ~ — _ ‘fl. _V -‘
Child health J K ;- ‘_ ' ‘
Children with exceptional needs I ‘I St A y
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For more options and questions about Child Development permits
visit or email [email protected].
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