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. 5 tips that will help you take charge 'aryaur._wgt1—being.
. nnect V ;. .3, ,‘ ? ..__ ..
- It's hard sometimes to break away from _‘ * ‘ 7- ’
child~dominant environments. especially if your work . ‘ ‘
revolves around children and if you have kids yourself. . 7'7"" j ‘_j_ 4 __
Rememberta connect with friends and extended " ‘ . v _
family members The Mental Health Foundation states ’ F; .
that "People who are more socially connected to — ,_ "5 '
family, friends and theircommunities are happier. _ .—" \ ‘j ' ‘
physically healthier. and live longer with fewer mental ’ ..' ' " - __s ,_ _ ,
health problems." I ~“‘ 1 7 '“ ' ‘W 1‘ y
2. Exercise " L ‘ ‘ ‘‘
You've been running after young learners all day, the 1., Keep Learning‘
last thing on your mind is hittingthe gym. we know, - V 7- dc, E» 5: 1. ~ .- .
out there are known reports that say exercise can help :;:g'agp);g:ird:il;cfh%%j-fiwfih §;"::s'g'gfr°ve your
Improve your mood, self—esteem and abrlntyto deal achievement‘ my and avghsm ihintyh cope with
with stress. The World Health organization suggests mess Leaming has mm‘av'e'_"p mean formal
, that adults, on aver;age.‘shoul_d perform 3l7°“”1 education It can be anythfngihat develops your
mmmes °f physifihmvhy 5” F: ' ii’ -"'— knowledge in any area 5tep:dut~ot your comfort zone
Voumbe, there arE many vI'¢'iEos -_ er-' 1:135"-' *7’ °“" °f ’ '3 u rnethi ~ new‘ The feeling of mastering new
"°’i°“5 l°”3‘h5 that W“ “W ’ Q ‘''3-'-?‘ V f°" “f W" I ‘e r=.r-;,~ (F51: 'lIilH95i0n5 can do wonders for
own home. ’ yomem-~ _,
i I i ,_ j .4 5.BeYour I u C['L:erle,ader_
‘ L I 3 H » ' 7/55" "’ ‘ oftentimes asiltfiiam providers, the challenges of
‘ lfl _ _ — s I yourjoh are not umfgmood by others. Ifynu have had
,j _ T ‘ r M ,1 L A a long day, talk o_rwrite about it. Szhedule some time
. - ' ' ‘ 4 , E ‘V to debrief and ariltnowledge feelings thatyou have
, V. ‘ ' yr * - . J\*‘3>‘ experienced throughout the day; Recognize how you
I . -J ‘ ‘ | ' have overcome obstacles no ma11er_how small.
‘ 1 ' ' ‘ I l —
- i hag
- ‘ ‘ .3 — . 7-3
3. Create _ . '
You need your own space. Seek out hob'bIe's‘and' ‘ , ‘ I
agrivities that you enjoy that are separate from your’ V _g.
vrytltly life whether it's a monthly bookhntovie or " »‘ -‘>_ _
mire need something that is yours Your
r1.ulyti$h3 IS dedicated to taking care of others, '
thwoforg, find something that caters to you.
, .
For more Information on-self-care tips vlslt caregrvenorg.
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Summer-Zola 7