Page 15 - Demo
P. 15

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ma» WhaIE\ILII’VS nearuv‘ like ahlanvaz. J noon in V V V V - - V -

vain Imims and us: I! [U may Veeli-a new with me VV - . _

inildie-ii in min raw ins! you man, say V ‘ V V V V ,, V

I "Peak-a hm)!" Ne:<1.|mvi:iui i:nil<1IieniL-hitter V ‘ ~ -
“es-|i»a Bun helps the zhildren III yuurxanz issani
I ihaivrm arr still were even when voim hinim: oi V - ‘

uzndini; in ulnar rmmren but most aI'all_ its fun: V V V V V V

Vuui fare and vO|u.' an? ; delignird luv at "H5 age V .- . - V — i V .

Ages 1-2 '

‘ Singing while Von Change ‘ ' L i ~

Sing a popu|ar :hildrvn‘s song, bu! replace the

names in me sung with lhuse ufyuiii sludeiiis.

"Row, row. vow (child's name) gently down the

stream...” Or. "Rock~a~bye (diild‘s name) in the

melon..." Encourage himlhr.-r to sing along.

Brainy Background

Tns zhildien in youi L819 are learning new words

and suunds when you sing The more meaningful

and plavful words they hear, me more they will

appreciate the language.

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