Page 17 - Demo
P. 17
Ii. clearly express directions and expectations 5. Encourage panidpation
Check to be sure that you have the student's attention Children with disabilities are sometimes excluded from
before giving directions. From pt and guide the child social interactions amongst their peers. while there
through the performance-sequence. are a number of reasons why identified students may
_ “.5 impomm to keep in mind mat children Wm‘ not be fully included in social groups, you can take
. . . . steps to integrate your classroom and students.
disabilities may not always make eye contact, even ‘ I ’ ’
when they am paying anemic" [5 you 59 an [hg — Give the child ‘helping roles‘ such as handing out
lookout [of gum signs of anemia" (e_g_, snacks or distributing work materials to other
alert posture, orientation toward you. stopping 5iU¢9M5- C03!“ the Child W U59 Siltliillv
other activities, verbalizations). appropriate speech lee-. "Would you like a
snack?"). The more frequently other students
experience neutral or positive interactions with
the identified child. the more they will feel
6. Repetition is key
0 Children with significant disabilities are likely to
' need multiple introductions to common social skills.
‘ Teach only a small number of'key‘ skills at one
time so that you will have enough time to work
with the student on generalizing each mastered
skill. After the student has mastered a skill in one
setting, list other settings or situations in which
you would like the studentto show the skill. Then
create a training plan to help the student use the
skill in these settings.
Remember to let your classroom work for you. There
are many free and economic tools afforded to you
which will allow for a more fostering learning
environment for all students.
ifonifomngskills and techniques on how to deal
—- ~ ii gltiérse classroom and children exhibiting
0 l 1 i..:.r._ nd academic challenges. visit
,- | ,i tioncentraLorg or contact our
I .':?,:;.\’. Referral Department.
' x
Summer vzuis 17
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