Page 18 - Demo
P. 18
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Laundry pg, _ ,
;;; the ingestion of laundry detergent pods saw a rise in 2017. lwelve thousand
',, Involving children under the age ofs and adullswlth severe developmental
:‘ '. Alfllflllm mnsuming laundry pods has been a trend amongt teenagers and young adults, we would
, ‘llll¢XllvEMDlllB8E‘all providers and caregivers to keep a watchful eye over the tiny hands and young minds
' Min may want to imitatetlre actions of older siblings, or
who may mistake colorful laundry
pods as candy. ,. 7,
laundry detergent pods contain highly concentrated :
variations of ethanol. hydrogen peroxide, and _
“long-chain polymers" also known as soap. The film that ‘ '
encases this packet of highly toxic detergent is thin and _ -
specifically designed to dissolve in water. In the body, 3
both saliva and gastric intestinal juices from your mouth
and smmach can break thatfilm down in a matter of ‘
If you witness an incident of a child or adult ingesting laundry pods,
call the American Association of Poison Control Centers at (800) 222-1222.
If the incident is severe, call 911 immediately.
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