Page 3 - Child Care Resource Center
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Our Beliefs
All families, regardless of race, income, family structure, or immigration status, should have access to high-quality services and supports
Children and their families are the best investment for the future
All parents want the best for their families
All families have strengths
Children learn, play and grow in multiple environments that impact their development
Interactions between different systems and the larger social context impact child, family and community development
Employees engage in actions that result in our desired outcomes
Our Actions
Working across systems levels to cultivate child, family and community well-being
Our Desired Impact
Healthy and strong children and families living in thriving communities
Strong and Resilient Children and Families
p Safe living and learning environments
p Child social and emotional development
p Strong parent/child relationships
p Parents as advocates
p Resilient parents
p Parental knowledge base in child development
p Education readiness (cradle to career)
p Family stability (financial, housing, affordable child care, etc.) p Family physical and nutritional health
Supportive and Connected Communities
p Quality early childhood options
p Professional growth and leadership development for early
childhood professionals
p Reduced stigma and implicit bias for children and families accessing supports
p Strong social connections
p Sharing of information and resources Sustained Public and Political Will
p Inclusive early childhood as a public and political priority p Policy reflects community priorities
p Scaling of proven programs and interventions
p Increased investment in early childhood
p Resources are maximized and leveraged to strengthen families
Children and Family
Quality early childhood experiences (inclusive home-, school-, and community-based settings); child care financial assistance; child and family well-being; family engagement and parenting supports; resource linkages
Service Providers. Neighbors. Communities
Workforce development; emergency preparedness; health and safety education; community events
Larger Social Context
Community outreach and engagement; service coordination; community leadership; research and evaluation; policy and advocacy
Fall 2019 3