Page 25 - Creating a Community of Resiliency
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After a disaster, R&Rs can play a lead role in restoring child care:
 Help programs find a different facility if their current facility is damaged.
 Connect providers with services to clean and repair the facility.
 Collect donated supplies and materials for families and the program.
 Restore records and support administrative services.
 Contact families to establish reunification.
 Recruit and train new staff.
A significant portion of the Creating a Community of Resiliency project entailed researching available informational toolkits and curricula to create a useful training toolkit relevant to early care and education providers in Los Angeles County. There are many written resources available to help early care and education providers prepare for, respond to, and recover from an emergency; a number of these resources are described below.
The Community Care Licensing Disaster Planning Guide for Child Care Centers and Family Child Care Homes is a self-assessment guide that serves as a planning tool for FCCs and CCCs and offers basic disaster preparedness and emergency planning information. This tool can be customized to fit the size, population, and needs of each child care facility. The guide focuses on three specific areas: planning, preparation, and recovery.
Another resource designed by Child Care Aware (aka NACCRRA) is the comprehensive
Regulations, Resources, and Toolkits
    Planning includes a written evacuation plan, installing and maintaining carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers, and securing water heaters and cabinets.
Preparation helps identify the recommended amount of water and food needed in case of emergency as well as the emergency supplies and procedures to have available for drills.
Recovery supports returning the facility, staff and children to a normal state and should include physical and psychological assessment and repair.
 Child Care Resource Center |11

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