Page 23 - Creating a Community of Resiliency
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Review of Child Care Regulations and Resources Regarding Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
CCRC conducted a review of child care facility licensing regulations governing emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. The state of California does impose requirements on child care facilities; however, there are no emergency preparedness requirements or recommendations for early care and education providers specifically for Los Angeles County.
All early care and education providers in the state of California must follow the rules and regulations established by Community Care Licensing, a division of the California Department of Social Services. The Child Care Licensing Program licenses and monitors family child care homes (FCC) and child care centers (CCC, also known as center-based) to ensure they provide a safe and healthy environment for children in child care settings. Licensing requirements for FCCs and CCCs require that disaster and mass casualty plans be in writing and readily available (i.e., posted in a conspicuous place near a telephone). Emergency plans are expected to be performed and documented at least once every
6 months; however, this is not verified or reviewed by licensing. Three components should be covered in the emergency plan:
1. Designationofdutiesandstaffassignments
2. Contingencyplansforspecificemergenciesornaturaldisasters(e.g.,fires,floods,and
3. Proceduresnecessaryfortheevacuationandrelocationofnon-ambulatorychildren
The contingency plan must include, but should not be limited to, the following elements: a safety plan, means of exiting, transportation arrangements, relocation sites equipped for t he temporary care of children, supervision and contact after relocation, and the means for contacting local agencies.
Due to a high risk of earthquakes in California, licensed early care and education providers are encouraged to include the Earthquake Preparedness Checklist (LIC 9148) as an attachment to the facility’s required disaster plan. While this checklist is not required in order for a provider to receive their child care license and it is not reviewed by Community Care Licensing, it is a tool intended to help with earthquake preparedness planning.
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