Page 7 - Perspectives 2015 Summer - HQ.pdf
P. 7

  A healthy life starts with you
                              Child Care
Choose Health LA Child Care is designed to improve the nutrition and physical activity environment in child care settings to support the healthy growth and development of children.
This countywide project offers free workshops, events, information and tools for child care providers, parents and children.
Call Mayra Unzueta at 818-717-1000 ext. 4624 to learn more!
Tips to keep children healthy, growing, and learning
Exciting educational materials to share with parents and children
Ideas for making nutritious food AND ways to keep children active
One-on-one coaching and training available for child care providers
                   Made possible with funding from First 5 LA through the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Participate in the evaluation of our project and receive $200 in Target gift cards
Eligibility: Must serve children ages 2-5 and must serve lunch; cannot be a School District or Head Start program
Call Andrea for more info: (323) 274-1389
Breastfeeding. How you can help!
Develop a system with Moms to ensure that you have plenty of breast milk available while the infant is in your care.
Step 1: Support the breastfeeding mother by providing a private space for her to pump and/or breastfeed. Step 2: Collect breast milk and label it clearly with baby’s name and date it was expressed.
Step 3: Place it at the back of the fridge or freezer where it is the coldest.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Safe at room temperature: 3-4 hours Safe in fridge: up to 2-3 days
Safe in freezer: Up to 6 months
Step 4: When ready to feed, check the date and then warm the milk by placing the bottle in warm water. DO NOT MICROWAVE BREAST MILK.
Step 5: Feed the baby. If not finished within one hour, dispose of the rest.
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Information was provided by coaches from Choose Health Los Angeles Child Care (CHLACC) and made possible with funding from First 5 LA through Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
 Safe Storage

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