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Gateways for Early EducatorsTM
Gateways offers high quality career coaching to licensed and license-exempt child care providers focusing on best practices, career development, and educational advancement. Through career coaching and one-on-one sessions, providers evaluate and improve their quality of care. Nearly 200 participants took part in this year’s program with a total of 1,888 coaching sessions taking place. The Karen Kaye Award of Achievement is available to child care providers who complete the Gateways passport, which includes 40 hours of training in designated core areas. Gateways is funded by First 5 LA and administered by Los Angeles Universal Preschool as part of the Los Angeles Early Care and Education Workforce Consortium.
“[My coach] inspired me to pursue higher education and develop marketing skills, as of today, I’m 24 units from my BS in Child Development and currently teaching at a preschool.” – Gateways Participant
 Parent/Provider Portal
In an effort to increase staff efficiencies, realize cost savings, and provide timely access to critical documents, CCRC researched and developed parent and child care provider portals. With this new technology, clients have access to download and print their child care financial assistance documents through our website. In addition to increased client access, the agency benefits from a significant cost savings related to staff time, envelopes, paper stock, postage and printing.
Benefits to our parents and providers include access to:
▶ Real time information available 24/7 ▶ Child care approval notices
▶ Child care payment information
▶ View fee balance
▶ Download and print documents
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