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Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP)
Aspiring child care providers looking for assistance to establish a quality child care program have a number of CCRC resources available to them. Our CCIP staff offers one-on-one support related to the licensing process and regular trainings regarding quality early learning and business practices. In AV, 58 project participants received quality assessments and information on child care environment improvement grants and building the relationship between child care provider and parents. 45 providers graduated from the program.
Gateways for Early EducatorsTM
Licensed and licensed-exempt child care providers receive career coaching centered on best practices, career development, and educational advancement through this program. Career coaching includes one-on-one sessions that help evaluate and improve the quality of a child care provider’s facility. At the end of the year, a Karen Kay Award of Achievement is available to those providers who complete a Gateways passport covering 40 hours of training in designated core areas. Gateways is funded by First 5 LA and administered by Los Angeles Universal Preschool as part of the Los Angeles Early Care and Education Workforce Consortium.
Quality Start Los Angeles (QSLA)
Research shows that the care and education children receive from ages 0-5 plays a significant role in early brain development and that children who attend high quality early learning programs are more likely to graduate from high school and have successful careers. CCRC has partnered with Los Angeles organizations to elevate the quality of child care programs based on the Quality Ratings Improvement System. Child care providers in the program receive professional development trainings and quality improvement resources. Stipends are available to some participants for classroom materials and facility improvements.
   SEIU Early Education Apprenticeship
In order to decrease the inequality in early childhood experiences, licensed family child care providers and assistants who care for children 0-5 and have an interest in earning a Child Development Permit can participate in this program to improve the quality of their care. This investment in the field of early childhood education provides participants with access to individualized on-the-job training, wage increases, coaching twice a month, and peer networking. Family child care providers working toward their permit receive support including no-cost college coursework. The three apprenticeship levels in this program are Assistant Teacher Permit, Associate Teacher Permit, and Teacher Permit.
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