Page 42 - Gateways for Early Educators
P. 42

   Gateways for Early Educators
Research Question 7: Did core participants make changes to their professional practice as a result of their coaching experience?
In the annual survey core participants were asked to reflect back on their level of knowledge and practice prior to the Gateways coaching program and to consider their current status. They were then asked to rate each on a 5-point scale from “None” to “Excellent.” Change scores were then computed for each item by subtracting their score prior to the program from their current score for participants who had room for change. That is, change scores were not calculated for participants who scored their level of knowledge at the highest prior to participating in the Gateways Program. This was done for each of the knowledge and practice domains presented in Table 16. The areas of greatest change are knowledge of resources to help improve the quality of the program, knowledge of resources to improve qualifications / professionalism, knowledge of quality practices in ECE, and understanding that the provider is a professional.
Knowledge of how to help children and families 1.1
Knowledge of resources to help improve the quality of my program 1.3
Knowledge of resources to improve my qualifications/ professionalism 1.3
Knowledge of quality practices in ECE 1.2
Use of quality practices in my program 1.1
Ability to provide high quality care 1.1
Ability to impact children’s early language and literacy development 1.1
Ability to impact children’s social and behavioral development 1.0
Ability to impact children’s early math development 1.0
Understanding that I am a professional 1.2
Figures 4a and 4b illustrate the change in knowledge and practice before and after coaching. Prior to coaching the majority of participants experienced fair or great levels of knowledge and practice (Figure 4a). However, after coaching the majority of participants experienced excellent or great levels of knowledge and practice (Figure 4b). Participants are reporting that coaching has impacted their knowledge and practice in these domains.
     Table 16. Average Change Scores for Each Area of Knowledge/ Practice Change
    Change Due to Program
Change Score
        Participants’ Change in Practices
“Before when I was doing an activity, I would start preparing the activity and the kids would be waiting and getting bored. I didn't think much of that but she (the coach) told me you need to prepare the activity way ahead so you don't have the kids bored waiting for me to set up the activity. That made it so much easier.”
“I learned not to use the word "no" with children to look for alternatives, there were positive changes with the children, I learned to read to the children and to listen to their responses, it was very gratifying.”
"I really wasn't teaching. I was a babysitter because I really didn't know any better. I was just making sure they were safe and were fed... Now...I started teaching the kids.”

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