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Provider Trainings
As part of our commitment to supporting your efforts to provide high quality child care, we offer a variety of free trainings that cover topics
like nutrition, health and safety, and child development. Designed to deepen professional knowledge and strengthen child care programs, all trainings are free unless otherwise noted and workshops feature a variety of topics taught by leading Early Childhood Education (ECE) professionals.
Child care providers are invited to register for the trainings that include: Early Literacy and Engaging with Text in Preschool Settings
November 17, 2021 I 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Aspectos del Negocio de Cuidado Infantil Familiar: Planificación Financiera y Legal
Noviembre 18, 2021 I 9:00am – 11:00am
Child Development: Learn the Signs. Act Early
November 18, 2021 I 9:00am – 11:00am
Childhood Stress: Reducing the Risk and Building Resiliency
November 23, 2021 I 9:00am – 11:00am
Fire Extinguisher Safety Training
November 29, 2021 I 6:00pm – 8:00pm Click here for other upcoming trainings
Karen Kaye Achievement Award
CCRC is celebrating 11 child care providers who received the Karen Kaye Achievement Award for completing their Gateways for Early Educators Passport program. The extensive training series involves 48+ hours of professional development, and attendance of at least two trainings in each of the 12 Early Childhood Education (ECE) topics areas.
Every year, thousands of ECE professionals participate in high quality learning experiences provided by Child Care Resource and Referral (R&R) and Alternative Payment agencies. Los Angeles County R&Rs launched the Gateways for Early Educators Passport program in 2010 to track training completed by ECE professionals.
This year marks the 11th anniversary of the Karen Kaye Achievement Award, which was held virtually for the first time in August. The award honors the memory of Karen Kaye, whose vision paved the way for the development of the Gateways for Early Educators initiative. She was the Executive Director at Connections for Children, an R&R agency that serves the Westside and South Bay of Los Angeles.
Congrats to the CCRC providers who received this year’s award:
Beatriz Andrade Trujillo Sandra Batres Karla Lopez
Jessi Martinez Milagro Monterrosa Talin Oganesyan
Aura Osoy Esther Renteria Juana Rodriguez Anna Rubenstein Yesenia Sosa